

Shaping AI for Just Futures International AI + Society Conference

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Initiative IA + Société | AI + Society Initiative

Colloques et conférences

Join us for a global and interdisciplinary conversation on the ethical, legal and societal implications of artificial intelligence with leading law, policy and ethics scholars from around the globe.

This groundbreaking conference brings together a diverse and interdisciplinary mix of scholars, policymakers, engineers, social scientists, philosophers, and regulators who are at the forefront of AI theory, design, and development.

Spanning two days, the conference features an engaging program of keynote speeches, panel discussions, armchair conversations, poster sessions, and exhibitions with leading thought leaders from North, Central and South Americas, Africa, Oceania, Asia and Europe.

Hosted by the AI + Society Initiative, the conference aims at amplifying the voices and perspectives of women, youth, seniors, Indigenous People, LGBTQIA2S+, racialized communities, people with disabilities, linguistic minorities, and those at the intersection of these identities.

Our attendees will include those shaping the legal and social structures in which AI operates, fostering exciting interdisciplinary conversations and debates that drive innovation and responsibility in AI development and deployment.

This conference will be in English only, but the poster session will be in French and English.



Featured project

This research project is based on the analysis of massive data on the NOL index and other intraoperative clinical parameters used by anesthesiologists during surgery. These parameters help them make analgesic treatment decisions in a non-communicating patient under general anesthesia and in whom it is impossible to assess pain and analgesic needs by standard questionnaires performed on awake patients. 
First, the objective is to interpret the values of this index in relation to the decisions made by the clinician. 

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