

Inquiry about the society datafication through the "data audiences"

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LabCMO – Laboratoire sur la communication et le numérique

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The massive production of data by individuals, companies, institutions and technical devices constitutes what is called the process of “datafication”, or the “putting into data” of society. Social networks, mobile applications and tracking, in particular for marketing purposes, are used in this massive collection which is now an integral part of our lives. The movement for the opening of data, advocating their access and reuse by citizens, also contributes to the central role that is assigned to data, whether public or private, in contemporary society. Initiatives in this direction include the deployment of platforms and applications in the field of health, as well as interventions in terms of data activism, aimed at challenging data regimes that are unfavorable to certain social groups. 

Led by a team of researchers and students from the LabCMO under the direction of Florence Millerand at UQAM, the Datafication research project focuses on the sociopolitical issues related to this phenomenon of putting society into data. The aim is to understand the production and use of public and private data by questioning the imagined audiences about the actual audiences of the data, in three different contexts:

  • The opening of data to the public (through the case of a municipal project carried out in Montreal);
  • Voluntary contribution of personal health data by users of a provincial sustainable health platform;
  • And the production of data as part of an activist project (through the case of a group of data analysts working for the community).


This event aims to share reflections and work on the “putting into data” of society. It also aims to present the preliminary results of the Datafication project. It also invites external researchers to discuss their own work and analyzes and comment Datafication project results.




Featured project

This research project is based on the analysis of massive data on the NOL index and other intraoperative clinical parameters used by anesthesiologists during surgery. These parameters help them make analgesic treatment decisions in a non-communicating patient under general anesthesia and in whom it is impossible to assess pain and analgesic needs by standard questionnaires performed on awake patients. 
First, the objective is to interpret the values of this index in relation to the decisions made by the clinician. 

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