

The FAIR principles of research data management and stewardship: for whom, for what and how?

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Institute Intelligence and Data

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This webinar is intended as an introduction to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles in research data management and stewardship.

Data are at the heart of scientific research and substantial funds are dedicated to their production. Until recently, little attention has been paid to what happens to data after a project is completed. Thus, colossal amounts of data are wasted every year.

The federal government, like other organizations and jurisdictions around the world, has adopted a new policy on the management of research data that places new obligations on researchers and their institutions with respect to data management and stewardship. These obligations will be reviewed, as well as the manner in which they can be put into practice.

In this respect, the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) will be presented.

The webinar will be presented in French




Featured project

This research project is based on the analysis of massive data on the NOL index and other intraoperative clinical parameters used by anesthesiologists during surgery. These parameters help them make analgesic treatment decisions in a non-communicating patient under general anesthesia and in whom it is impossible to assess pain and analgesic needs by standard questionnaires performed on awake patients. 
First, the objective is to interpret the values of this index in relation to the decisions made by the clinician. 

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