The clinical and economic burden of prostate cancer in Canada is substantial and is rising. It has been indicated that 1 in 7 men will develop prostate cancer during their lifetime, and another 1 in 27 will die due to the prostate cancer. However, only a part of prostate cancer cases is clinically important which make the prostate cancer case discrimination crucial to avoid over-treatment. Compared to ultrasound imaging method, advanced MRI modalities have demonstrated a better diagnostic accuracy and is becoming a clinical routine examination for patients at risk of having clinically significant prostate cancer. Even though the version two of PI-RADS has been recently published to facilitate MRI modalities application in prostate cancer, they still present limitations. For instance, variability is reported in terms of inter-reader agreement and diagnosis accuracy, mainly depend on reader experience.
This project aims to find a machine learning based approach for predication and segmentation of intraprostatic lesions to better guide radiation treatment. For accomplishing this task, the most advanced MRI modalities including DTI-MRI and DWI-MRI along with the anatomical MRI modalities will be employed. From the quantitative MRI modalities several maps that enhance specific features of the lesion will be extracted. Then after, texture information of the MRI modalities and selected maps will be extracted. In this step machine learning methods will be employed for feature selection and classification purposes. Finally, the prostate cancer extension and its type are identified.