

Design of Tools for shared decision making in health

Présenté par

Unité de soutien SRAP | Québec

Dès le 20 mars 2020
En ligne

Activités de formation

Target customers

Researchers, graduate students, teachers, health or research professionals, and decision-makers in healthcare organizations and health services, public and private, patients or citizens partners.

No prerequisites.

Educational objectives

At the end of the training, the learner will be able to identify what is required to design a decision support tool and judge the quality of the decision support tools.


Video clips of 5 to 15 minutes each, for a total duration of 2 hours.


Informations supplémentaires



Featured project

The project consists in determining and exploring the possibilities offered by dynamic dashboards in a medical context as well as the associated data management structures. The project therefore considers several aspects of data management. In this sense, the considerations related to DICOM data transfers as well as different approaches to their management and conservation are considered. In addition, the dashboards will be designed to ensure an effective, clear and concise presentation with recognized visualization tools.

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