

“Building Québec’s Learning Health System Together” summit: A Shift to Partnership and Continuous Improvement

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Unité de soutien SSA Québec

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On March 24, 2022, the Unité de soutien au système de santé apprenant (SSA) Québec held the summit "Building Québec's Learning Health System Together". T

he population and key members of the health and social services network were at the same event to build the future. This gathering was an opportunity to initiate a real shift towards partnership and continuous improvement of our health system.



Featured project

This research project is based on the analysis of massive data on the NOL index and other intraoperative clinical parameters used by anesthesiologists during surgery. These parameters help them make analgesic treatment decisions in a non-communicating patient under general anesthesia and in whom it is impossible to assess pain and analgesic needs by standard questionnaires performed on awake patients. 
First, the objective is to interpret the values of this index in relation to the decisions made by the clinician. 

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