

Daniel Gourdeau presents his research project as part of a student seminar organized by the Institute Intelligence and Data

Publié le 13 November 2020

Speaker : Daniel Gourdeau, RHHDS student and Ph.D. candidate in physics at Université Laval under the supervision of Louis Archambault and Simon Duchesne.

Title : Analysis and synthesis of medical images using heterogeneous modalities 

Date and hour : Nov 17, 03:00 p.m

To find out more click here


Featured project

Student member : Gabriel Couture

This project consists of establishing good practices in health data management and building a software infrastructure in order to apply them.

We have developed pipelines that allow daily recovery of brachytherapy treatment data in order to calculate and store their dosimetric indices in a database dedicated to research. These indices are essential for planning radiotherapy treatments and for estimating their quality.

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