

NSERC Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering Present the Science for Humanity Workshop Series/Session 2: Why Ethics Matter & How to Implement Ethics in your Research by Hattusia

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NSERC Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering

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NSERC Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering Present the Science for Humanity Workshop Series

Join the inclusive workshops led by world-class change makers, as part of the Network of Collaborations series.

The series will focus on:

  • Building connections and collaborations
  • Providing practical tools for decision-making and ethical science
  • Celebrating the important contributions of science to the world and the humans who make it possible

All sessions will be held virtually on Thursdays. You can register for one or more individual sessions separately. Please see the calendar of events (registration link) for the dates and details of sessions.

Session 2: Why Ethics Matter & How to Implement Ethics in your Research by Hattusia

This workshop will introduce you to the basics of ethical thinking and will help you implement ethics in your working day with a focus on human rights.


Projet en vedette

Le cancer de la prostate est le deuxième cancer le plus fréquent et la cinquième cause de décès par cancer chez les hommes. Pour améliorer les résultats de santé des patients, le traitement doit être personnalisé en se basant sur un pronostic précis. Il existe déjà des nomogrammes permettant d’identifier les patients à faible risque de récidive sur la base d’informations cliniques préopératoires, mais ces outils n’utilisent pas les images médicales des patients.

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